Nishant is a budding author and has so far authored two books and is working on more.
Air And Space Law: India And Beyond [2015]
‘Air and Space Law: India And Beyond’ is an exhaustive book covering all major aspects of air and space law, with a global perspective. The book is aimed at professionals and students from legal, aviation, space and defence industries. Private players in air and space domain and governmental agencies regulating air and space will also find this book highly useful.
The book covers all facets of air and space law, the book begins with explanation of the fundamental aspects of air and space, going on to talk about the International control and legislation in the air and space domain. The book lays special emphasis on the present legislations in India. The book comments on the emerging trends, future challenges and ends with a suggestions which the author feels are necessary for keeping up with the pace of technological development in the aviation and space industry, without compromising on beneficial and peaceful use of air and space.
This book aims to explain and elaborate upon the legal aspects of air and space in a manner which is equally easy to understand for both seasoned legal professionals as well as those who don’t belong to the legal fraternity, the author has taken care to ensure that the work remains introductory and fundamental making it easy to understand. This book aims to be the fundamental reference tool in the air and space law domain.
TRIPS: Striking Balance Between IPR and Welfare [2017]
‘TRIPS: Striking Balance Between IPR and Welfare’ is a simple yet affective commentary aimed at all Intellectual Property Law students, practitioners and inventors who want to understand the thin line between monopolisation of inventions and incentivisation of inventions – both through Patents. The commentary focusses on the global statute ie Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Agreement’s take on patent law in specific with respect to inventions which are aimed at social welfare and upliftment of the poor. The book covers the need for patents, the pros and cons of a patent, TRIPs take on Patents – then it builds a foundation on what is the social welfare outcome of inventions in the pharmaceutical sector and how Patents can act as a roadblock. There is in depth coverage of what the law says, how developing nations apply it and what is the need for the future including the resolutions as part of the Doha Decelerations along with live examples of landmark cases such as the Novartis Case in India.